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Artificial intelligence applications in sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria: A comprehensive review

Mu’allim Yakubu
Ubaidullah Yakubu
Hauwa Yakubu
Farida Ahmed Mayun


This review explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize sustainable agriculture in Nigeria by employing advanced analytical methods. The methodology involved a systematic approach, including thorough searches across academic databases, journals, and conference proceedings to gather relevant literature on AI applications in sustainable agriculture in Nigeria. The selection criteria prioritized recent publications, credibility of sources, and in-depth analysis of AI technologies in the agricultural sector. Key findings from the synthesized data highlight the transformative potential of AI in optimizing resource management, improving crop yields, and addressing challenges related to climate change and limited infrastructure. The review underscores the importance of sustainable practices in driving agricultural development in Nigeria and emphasizes the need for affordable and centralized AI models to guide future research and strategies tailored to Nigeria's unique agricultural landscape.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-9962
print ISSN: 3026-9091