Published: 2025-02-12

Digestibility of minerals in proprietary feed by rabbits and their manure quality

J.N. Ingweye , I.G. Nwabueze, G. Onengiye, J. Okoseimiema

1 - 7

Effect of watering regimes and hormones on early growth of Pterocarpus erinaceus

C. J. Ukanyirioha, A. A. Okechalu , T.A. Erhabor , O.M. Dahunsi

94 - 100

Economic analysis of processing and marketing of plantain in Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria.

T.O. Babatunde, F.A. Azeez, A.O. Ahmed , O.A Akinboade, A.T. Kareem

101 - 112

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-0906