Two commercially important fresh water fish (Clarias gariepinus and Oreochoromis niloticus) were investigated to access their fecundity and length/eight relationship. Morphometric measurements such as Standard length (SL), Total length (TL), Total fish body weight (TBW), Total ovary weight (TOW), oocyte weight and fecundity were carried out on 20 samples of each of these two species sourced from Minna market, Niger State. Fecundity of Clarias gariepinus were moderately higher (1225 – 45640 eggs/ fish of total length 19.50 -14.00cm) than Oreochromis niloticus (369 – 22460eggs/fish of TL 15.50 – 29.50cm). T –test analysis showed significant difference (P>0.05) in length and weight relationship.