This study investigated the effect of nutrient profile and shelf life of smoked Clarias gariepinus powdered packaged in low density polythene bag for six weeks. A total of ten (10) samples of Clarias gariepinus weighing 2kg was sourced from a private farm (Jumik farm), Minna, Nigeria. The samples were smoked for about eight (8) hours in a smoking kiln. The initial proximate composition of the smoked samples were as follows; 65.63%, 4.33%, 2.6% and 17% for protein, ash, moisture and lipid respectively. The smoked products were divided into two parts; one part was stored whole in a wire gauze basket and labelled “A”, which served as the control, while the other part was ground pervurized in ponds and packaged in a low density polythene bag and labelled “B”. The mean proximate composition of the controlled sample over a period of six weeks were; protein 65.98%, ash 4.79%, moisture 4.5%, 17.3% for protein, ash, moisture and lipid respectively while that of experimental sample were 58.26%, 4.94%, 4.23% and 16.83 respectively. There were no significant difference in the ash, moisture, and lipid content of the powdered product from the control (P>0.05). However, the protein value was significantly lower in the powdered products of the smoked Claria gariepnus. Therefore, it is better to preserve and store smoked fish as a whole rather than grinding.