Snake is one of the major group of games feared by people in many localities because of their venoms, yet snakes are equally afraid of human beings. This balance of terror apart from affecting both man and snakes has also led to their deaths. Epidemiology of snake bites among selected communities in the enclave of Cross River National Park: Oban division, Nigeria was studied using a set of structured questionnaires complemented with indepth interview and observation. A total of 103 respondents were sampled. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi square. Results revealed that 33% of the respondents have been bitten by snakes. Most of the respondents bitten were uneducated (38.9%) and practice occupations that are forest and farm related. Places where respondents encountered snakes were in forest related sites or homes. The victims were mostly bitten in the hands, feet and legs during the day time. Chi square tests showed no significant relationship between snake bites and educational level, age class, occupation and gender of respondents (p > 0.05). Forms of treatment adopted by victims were both orthodox and traditional. About 80% of the respondents claimed that both orthodox and native treatments of snake bites are effective in curing snake poison.