This study on socio-economic factors affecting vocational skills acquisition was undertaken in two Obudu and Ogoja Local Areas in the Northern Senatorial District of Cross River Sate of Nigeria. One hundred and seventy three (173) respondents were examined, using gender, age, marital status, literacy status, poverty/income level and employment status as regressors against vocational skills acquired (VSA) as a response variable. Through the use of descriptive statistics, the study revealed the order of patronage to be computer operation, auto-electrical, carpentry, hairdressing, tailoring, welding, shoe-mending, auto-mechanic, printing and painting. Also, out of the 173 respondents that constituted the sample size of the study, 130 were men while 43 were women, 120 were within the age bracket of 20-30 while 53 were 31 years and above. One hundred and twenty three (123) were single while 50 were married. Also, it was discovered that out of the 173 respondents, 57 had first school leaving certificate, 82 had Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSC), 16 had Ordinary National Diploma (OND) or Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE), 7 had B.Sc or B.A, while 11 never went to school. The study also showed that all the 173 respondents were self-employed while 167 of them indicated that they were living above poverty line, implying that their daily earnings were N150.00 and above per day. One way ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses. The ratio of between to within variance (calculated F-ratio) was 1.01, while the tabulated F-ratio was 2.41 at 0.05 probability level at 172 degree of freedom. Since F-cal< F-tab, it means there is a significant relationship between vocational skills acquired (VSA) and the specified socio-economic variables. It is therefore recommended that any designed skills acquisition programme must take into cognizance socio-economic determinants of the participating groups for the desired results to be achieved. Also, since the vocational training centres have shown the above level of success in manpower development and capacity building, adequate budgetary provisions should be made by the states and local governments to guarantee continuous poverty reduction and the capacity building process.