The current trend in the institutional support mechanisms for agriculture at state, national and international levels underscores its significance to the attainment of a number of millennium development goals in Nigeria. Extension institutions and technology transfer programmes exist in almost every developing country yet; coverage of farm families is still limited. The quality of developing countries’ extension programmes is seriously questioned, and the transfer of potentially beneficial new and underutilized technologies continues to lag. Many information units already exist is developing countries’ extension programmes- mass media, audiovisual aids, and printed materials are used extensively. However, the use of public relation skills and methodologies are poorly integrated into the total extension programme. Incorporating appropriate public relation tools and strategies into extension programmes can improve this situation. This paper presents highlights on Public Relation tools and how their potentials can be harnessed for effective public relation between key players in the Nigerian agricultural sector and its public. It also explains these tools can help accelerate progress towards attaining self–sufficiency in agricultural production while ensuring development of our rural populace. Also, insights were provided into the public relation strategies of the National Fadama Development Project II (NFDPII).