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The suitability of selected wood species in the production of turned glue-laminated products
lowest moisture content was found in Nesorgodonia Papaverifera (12%) and this contributes to ease of pest, insect, disease attack and its suitability for the production of turned glue-laminated products. The
specific gravity or density of wood shows how strong and suitable the wood species are for the production of turned glue-laminated products. Nesorgodonia papaverifera was found to have the highest specific gravity (0.623g) followed by Nauclea diderichii(0.6136g), Gmelina arborea(0.5565g),Khaya Senegalensis (0.4847g) while Mansonia altisima had the least (0.48g). Shrinkage occurs least in Nesorrdonia papaverifera (5.9%) Nauclea diderichii (7.6%), Gmelina arborea (11.8%), Khaya senegalensis (15%) and occurs most in Mansonia altisima (18.6%). From the study it was shown that the suitability of the wood species for turning were based on strength property, specific gravity or density, shrinkage property and moisture content.The suitability of wood species for turned glue-laminated product is ranked from Nesogordonia papaverifera, Nauclea diderichii, Gmelina arborea, khaya senegalensis to Mansomia altisima.It is therefore recommended that mass production of glue-laminated products be encouraged as the demand is increasing everyday and more of the glue lamination researches be carried out and tested using some lesser used tree species.