Those in poultry production have reasons for going into the business. This study aimed at investigating the effect of the reasons for going into poultry production on the profit of poultry farmers in Plateau State. Random sampling technique was used to select 60 respondents from 4 Local Government Areas of the state. Major reasons given for going into the poultry production were retirement, lack of employment, its being an easy business and business that gives quick return. Majority of the respondents were not more than ten years old in the business. Only 28.3% of the respondents had a poultry farm size of over 500 birds. Problems identified by respondents include diseases, poor market, high cost of feed, chick mortality and finance. Hence poultry farmers need services of veterinary doctors, subsidies on feeds and drugs, and
credit facilities so as to strengthen poultry production and improve the contribution of the enterprise to household food production the and economic well being of poultry farmers.