The need to integrate Nigeria with other nations in the world that have achieved landmark results in Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) innovation necessitated this study on radio listening habits of pupils of nomadic pastoralists and migrant fisherfolks in Nigeria. The study was carried out in four pastoralists’ states of Borno, Katsina, Taraba and Plateau and migrant fisherfolks States of Rivers and Bayelsa. Using a multi-stage sampling technique, 200 of pupils were selected across the study areas and data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire. Results showed that 83.5% of the respondents listen to radio and this they do more often in groups (62.5%) than alone (20.9%). Majority indicated their willingness to listen to programmes on learning English (92.3%), Numeracy (81.1%) and Natural Sciences (85.5%) with no clear-cut differences in such expressions between pastoralists and fisherfolks. Respondents indicated Fulfude/Hausa (41.3%) and English (10.4%) as the languages they will
comfortably listen to in any radio developmental programme. The languages are location specific as more respondents from fisherfolks states preferred radio programme in English whereas respondents from pastoralist states indicated preference for broadcast in Hausa/Fulfude. Also, there was an overwhelming (90.1%) support from both pastoralists and fisherfolks states for teachers using radio to support teaching by pupils. Herding/fishing (16.6%) and death/mourning (9.7%) were indicated as the cultural factors that could prevent nomads from participating in radio educational programme. The study concluded that there are prospects for the adoption of IRI strategy for pastoralists and Fisher folks in Nigeria.