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Effects of interaction of breed by pen and cage position on hen day lay of layer breeds in the derived Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria.

DS Gwaza


Egg production of Haco black, Shavers brown, Olympia black and Lohman Brown were collected from production records at Big Bam commercial poultry farm, Makurdi, from 1997 to 2004,in an experiment
in which Pen location was designated as ‘ L’ and mean cage position as ‘C’,the mean hen day lay of the breeds were estimated in percentages. This were subjected to a two way Analysis of variance to determine the effect of breed by pen and cage interaction on hen-day performance.Mean hen day lay of Haco black by pen interaction was not significantly (P>0.01) different in pen L1 and L3, while that in pen L2 was low and significantly (P<.05) different from that in pen L1 and L3. Mean hen day lay of Shavers
brown , Lohman brown and Olympia black by pen L2 and L3 were not significantly (P>0.01) different while that due to pen L1 was lower and significantly (P<0.05) different from those of pen L2 and L3. The
significant differences in the hen day lay due to breed by pen interaction indicated that the condition in the pens as well as the physiological responses of the breeds to these condition varied. The mean hen day
lay due to breed by cage positions L2C1, L2C3, L3C1, and L3C3 interactions were not significantly (P<0.01) different for all the breeds while that due to cage positions L2C2 and L3C2 were low and significantly (p<0.05)different from those due to cage position L2C1,L2C3 and L3C1, L3C3. This indicated that the birds in L2C2 and L3C2 were exposed to shorter day length, warmed circulating air with reduced ability to enhance effective heat dissipation through evaporative cooling. These effects were more severe on Haco black and Olympia black, moderate on Lohman brown and least on Shavers brown.

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eISSN: 1597-0906