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Effect Of Exogenous Progesterone On Blood Chemistry Of Large White Pigs
WBC; while Mean Corpuscular Volume-MCV, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin-MCH, and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration-MCHC were derived). All analyses were done according to standard methods and procedures. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance. Results show that sex effect was significant at 5 weeks for PCV, Hb, RBC, WBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC. Males had
lower values for values for all haematological parameters except for WBC. There was no sex effect observed for serum chemistry at the periods of sampling. TP and AST values of 7.7 g/dl and 22.7i. u/l were higher compared to 6.8 g/dl and 21.0i. u/l for the control respectively. Meanwhile CL was higher in control animals than in progesterone injected groups. The result of this present study, suggests that progesterone can be useful in pig production without compromising the health status of the pigs and end users of their meat.