A study was carried out to assess the response of Phaseolus vulgaris to various rates of pig manure application with respect to growth and yield. The study was carried out in a completely randomized design replicated four times. The rate of pig manure application did not affect plant height throughout the period of plant growth. Plant height and girths of plant increased with time, but the former was not affected by the rate of pig manure application. Number of leaves and leaf area increased up to 5 week after sowing and declined thereafter. At 5 weeks after sowing, 20 and 30 t/ha of pig manure application produced comparative and significantly higher values of number of leaves. With respect to leaf area, 30 and 40 t/ha produced the comparatively and the highest values. Pig manure applied at the rate of 40 t/ha significantly produced the highest yield of fresh pod yield of green beans. The pod yields generally declined with lower rates of pig manure application.