The paper examined the socio-economic characteristics of wholesale tomato marketers with a view to identifying the marketing channels of tomato fruits, determining marketing efficiency, margin and marketing costs associated with tomato marketing. Information was randomly collected with the aid of a well structured questionnaire from 108 respondents. Analysis of Costs and Returns was used to establish the profit level of tomato wholesale marketing. The study revealed that wholesale marketing of tomato is a profitable venture but the major constraints militating against increased profit were lack of storage facilities, price instability, and transportation problems. An average tomato marketer had annual revenue of N814,733.50, while annual transportation cost and rent charges were estimated at N105,418.57 and N4,327.73, respectively. For a more efficient marketing enhanced level of profits, road network and quality must be improved. Furthermore, government policies should be focused on assisting the wholesale buyer with necessary infrastructures and credit facilities that can help them cope with challenges of wholesale marketing.