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Chemical composition and textural characteristics of recycled termite mounds of the Genera nasititermes and adjacent soils in Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Chemical composition and textural characteristics of recycled termite mounds of the genera nasutitermes and adjacent top soils in Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria were evaluated. Portions of the nasutitermes mounds were collected using a machete and surface soils (0-15cm depth) were collected at a distance of 5 meters away from the mounds. A total of twenty samples made up of ten (10) each of nasutitermes mounds and adjacent soils were collected for the study. The samples were subject to routine soil analysis using standard laboratory methods. Average value of sand content was 899.6 g/kg , silt was 39.2 g/kg and clay was 62.2 g/kg in the mound of Nasutitermes and 895.0 g/kg, 40.6 g/kg and 64.5 g/kg in the adjacent surface soils. Data obtained showed higher and significant values for soil reaction (pH) 5.46, Organic matter 6.88 g/kg, exchangeable calcium cmol/kg 0.36, exchangeable magnesium cmol/kg 0.51, exchangeable potassium 1.38 cmol/kg, effective cation exchange capacity 3.99 cmol/kg (p<0.001) and base saturation 74.19% (p<0.05) in the termite mounds compared to the adjacent soil. The total Nitrogen, available Phosphorus and exchangeable acidity concentrations did not differ significantly between the mound and adjacent soil. The results obtained in this study showed that Nasutitermes mounds could be used to enhance soil chemical composition and improve crop growth and development. Exploitation of Nasutitermes mounds as an amendment to ameliorate nutrient deficient soils is advocated where they are found in large numbers.