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A review of the petroleum, pollution and poverty in the Niger delta based on the report presented by amnesty international in June 2009

T. S Mustapha
T.O. Ogunbode


The ravaging effect of oil pollution in the Niger Delta, which has degraded the region cannot be overemphasized. The life of the inhabitants of the region is becoming unbearable day by day. Amnesty International, the author of the paper had based its write up on the report of UNDP.The report was done in 2009, which is still relevant to the region. The methodology adopted in this review was based on the review of several literatures that deal with the subject matter, especially on oil pollution for 2010 -2024, although references were made to early years before the time of the report. The article started with the problem of quality water in the region due to pollution, which has affected livelihood to the extent that fishes if they are ever caught smell oil. The blessing associated with discovery of oil has as it were, turned to a curse. A case in point is Ogoniland, where it was reported that shell did not do much in the clean-up of the region. The paper went further to look at the adverse effect of pollution on the livelihood of the populace. However, the government is not doing enough to salvage the situation which is making the oil exploration companies pollute the region with impunity. The review concluded by mentioning Niger Delta Development Corporation and the need to overhaul the corporation for effective performance since it has been created for that purpose. Laws governing the environment need to be well enforced to safeguard the environment, especially the Niger Delta.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-0906