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Low vision in children and adolesents: Hospital based study
visionwas thus 15.04%.The leading cause of lowvision was cataract (23.32%).Myopia and optic atrophy contributed 16.22% respectively, aphakia/dislocated lens, 13.51%. retinitis pigmentosa 10.81%, macula degeneration 5.41%, glaucoma and nystagmus 2.70% respectively and the unknown cause 8.11%.
64.86% had moderate low vision, 10.81% was in the profound low vision group, 13.51% was in the near total blindness group, while 7.92% had unilateral loss of vision. 15.76% males were involved while females were 43.24%. Acquired anomaly was 1(2.70%) and posterior segment anomalies were 22(59.46%) respectively.Asignificant difference was found between the congenital causes of low vision and the acquired (P>0.05), congenital causes lead to more low vision cases. There was no significant difference in the sexes (P<0.05). There was alsono significant difference in anterior and posterior segment
anomalies as the causes of low vision (P<0.05). Therefore the cause of low vision in children and adolescents were largely preventable.