Visual symptoms appear to be themost frequent and most disturbing of computer associated health problems. This study was aimed at investigating the most prevalent visual symptoms encountered among Video Display Terminal (VDT) users in Owerri municipality prior to presbyopic onset. A total of one hundred and eighty-six (186) respondents, comprising 57 males and 129 females in the age bracket of 17-34years (mean age: 25.83±4.90years) were divided into two (2) groups: groupAcomprises of forty (40) non-VDT users and, group B comprises of one hundred and forty-six(146) VDT users. Each group was investigated, using pre-sampling criteria of visual acuity screening and ocular health assessment, before being handed a well-structured questionnaire, to be filled individually. Data consequently obtained revealed that headache (41.78%); eyestrain (26.72%), pain (31.51%) and lacrimation (19.86%) were the most prevalent visual symptoms among non-presbyopic, Owerri-based. VDT users.Acomparative one-tailed statistical analysis using the Z-test (0.05) revealed that VDT usage increases the prevalence of visual symptoms among users (P> 0.05). It was also revealed that Owerribased,
non-presbyopic VDToperators are exposed to environmental risk factors hazardous to them while working. Consequently, this study suggests that intervention programs aimed at ameliorating these problems and the predisposing factors be introduced and sustained, to forestall the outbreak of a dangerous health problem due to VDT usage.