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Epidemiology of Eye Diseases among Timber Workers in Owerri, Nigeria

EC Esenwa


Anepidemiological studyof the Timber Industry in Owerri, Nigeria was carriedout. It assessed the burden of eye diseases among Timber workers in terms of magnitude, causes and time. Certain eye diseases, notably, conjunctivitis, foreign bodies/injuries/traumas, pterygia, pinguecula and uveitis, each, accounting for 39.52%, 31.10%, 12.53%, 7.34% and 2.16% respectively, were found among theworkers. Theworkerswho have spent close to 16 -20 years in the industry recorded the highest prevalence (21.92%) of the eye diseases, while those who have spent about 1-5years recorded the least prevalence of 4.57%. Theworking environment was unsanitary and noworker wore any protective goggle. These two latter factors are believed to have contributed to the prevalence of these eye diseases among the workers.

Keywords: Timber workers, eye diseases, work environment, prevalence, environmental pollutants.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-0039
print ISSN: 0795-0039