The paper revisited the concept of space and place as perceived by philosophers, physicists and psychologist. It summed up that space has three perspectives: physical, virtual and time to form its tripod. Thus, space can be conceived as {a}absolute, physical, material, real, and tangible environmental place or location; {b} nonphysical, intangible, imagined, virtual and relational continuum which may only exist in the minds, imaginations and thoughts of the beings which include not only human beings, but animals, flying and other types of self moving creatures and mortals; and{c} time frame which bounds the existence, availability, relevance, rejuvenation and life circle of whatever. The general features of typical space, place and time categorisation and also as it relates to library and information centres were highlighted. Similarly, the elements to be considered in the evaluation of both physical and virtual spaces, places and time were considered.