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The effect of perceived value on the components of the relationship, relational fulfillment, of the Algerian bank customer using structural equation modeling (SEM): a case study of the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development in the state of Mascara
The main objective of this study was to study the effect of customers' perceived value on the components of the relationship (satisfaction, trust, commitment), and the effect of these components on customer loyalty. The problem of the study addressed the effect of perceived value on bank customer loyalty in a relational context. Our research attempted to shed light on the elements of loyalty and perceived value in its relational approach, and the quality of the relationship (satisfaction, commitment and trust). Using a descriptive and analytical approach, so that the study, using structural equation modeling (SEM), concluded: Functional values and relational values are of great importance in increasing customer satisfaction, trust and commitment towards customers. The bank: These three elements, in turn, increase the loyalty of the bank customer. In the application aspect, we used the 29SPSS program. AMOS.29 and LISREL. The study was conducted on the banking services sector, because it is the sector in which the variables of value creation and loyalty emerge strongly compared to other sectors.