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Improving banking performance in Saudi banks by using Lean Six Sigma methodology تحسين الأداء المصرفي في البنوك السعودية باستخدام منهجية ستة سيجما الرشيقة

Djafar Henni Mohamed
Mhamed Benadda


This study aimed to spotlight the role of the lean Six Sigma approach to reduce the errors in Saudi banks consistent with the adoption of lean six sigma methodology and also the selection of lean Six Sigma teams (Team Improvement).

The results of the study indicate the significance of implementing lean Six Sigma methodology in banking sector in Saudi Arabia is used on projects to improve the process by eliminating the variations and creating workflow in a process, Increase Customer Satisfaction, Increase Profitability and Decrease Costs, Monitor performance, Eliminate processing delays Analyze performance and avoid banking errors.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930