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The role of strategic planning based on the knowledge management in achieving outstanding performance for an economic institution, a case study of Sonatrach. ."دور التخطيط الاستراتيجي بالاعتماد على إدارة المعرفة في تحقيق الأداء المتميز لمؤسسة اقتصادية دراسة حالة "مؤسسة سوناطراك

بن يحي طيبي غالية
بلحاج لخضر


This study aims to clarify the role and contribution of knowledge management in supporting strategic planning to improve the performance of institutions, as we relied on the analysis of data collected from one of the Sonatrach branches, as well as annual reports.

The study found that the rapid changes in the competitive environment affect the Algerian economic institution, and hinder its growth, continuity, and achievement of outstanding performance and this appears in the decisions taken to improve performance. Which necessitates the need to adopt modern and advanced management methods, the most prominent of which is strategic planning, which is a basic requirement to achieve the objectives of the economic institution, as it works to link it with its surroundings, which helps it choose the appropriate strategies to deal with the changes and complexities of the environment.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930