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Organizational capabilities and their impact on the creative behavior of employees, a case study - Mobilis Communications Company Annaba – دراسة حالة شركة الاتصالات موبيليس عنابة- القابليات التنظيمية وأثرها في السلوك الإبداعي للعاملين

مهدي جابر
سهيلة بارة


The study aims to learn the impact of organizational abilities through its dimensions (organizational learning and knowledge management) on the creative behavior of the employees of the regional telecommunications company Mobilis Annaba. The descriptive and case study methodology was followed through the use of the questionnaire to obtain and process field data in the Spss program, as well as the use of evidentiary statistics to test hypotheses, the study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which: there is a moral impact of organizational viability on the creative behavior of the employees of the Regional Telecommunications Company Mobilis. The study also presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which: The culture of teamwork must be based on the implementation of tasks because of its impact on the process of organizational abilities, which is a collective process in which all workers integrate their efforts to promote and disseminate learning opportunities throughout the company. It is necessary to mainstream training to improve workers' efficiency and upgrade their abilities in all fields, as well as to demonstrate their creative abilities.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930