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Risk management of commercial banks in international transactions (Algeria case study Al Baraka Bank and Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development) دراسة مقارنة: حالة الجزائر بنك البركة وبنك الفلاحة والتنمية الريفية) إدارة المخاطر بالبنوك التجارية في ظل المعاملات الدولية)

معاش قويدر
سويسي الربيع


The issue of banking risk management during the past twenty years is considered one of This study aims to identify the risks that commercial banks are exposed to through financing international trade operations and to highlight how they manage these risks through the so-called risk management and hedging mechanisms through two axes, and through the third axis we compared the hedging operations and risk management in the traditional bank And the Islamic Bank, which were represented by the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Algerian Al Baraka Bank as an Islamic bank and knowing how to measure risks in both bank.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930