Main Article Content

The performance of indicators of maritime transport and foreign trade in Algeria - A statistical study using basic vehicles ACP for the period 2007-2021 2021-2007 للفترة ACP أداء مؤشرات النقل البحري والتجارة الخارجية في الجزائر دراسة احصائية باستخدام المركبات الأساسية

وسيلة شكيرو
أمينة فنطازي
سعد الفقي محمد


Maritime transport is based on a set of indicators that reflect the extent of its development, which in turn is reflected in the level and volume of foreign trade between the performance of the import and export index. This is what this study will highlight by highlighting the Algerian experience, whose economy is based on foreign trade through the export of hydrocarbons. Through the seaports towards the global markets, and this is based on the deductive approach to analyze the various statistics and data related to the study, and the statistical method has been relied upon by testing a set of indicators related to maritime transport and foreign trade, and this is by applying the analysis of the basic compounds "ACP", and this study has concluded a set of Results, the most important of which is Algeria is distinguished by many strengths in the sectors of maritime transport and foreign Trade, which are represented in the total logistical performance as well as imports, and this is according to what was produced by the statistical study of the analysis of the main components of ACP.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930