Researchers who want to publish their articles and research in the Journal must take care to the following points:

  • Subjects areas appropriate for Journal of North African Economies include descriptive and analytical economics topics which occupy the economic thought, particularly in Algeria and North Africa as well as to the Arabic and international economic developments.
  • The manuscripts must not be under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere and their content must not have been published in whole or substantial part in any other journal.
  • The administration acceptance bears to the consequences of prejudice to the rules and ethics of scientific
  • The article will be reject administratively if it not respect for the template of the journal .
  • The article should not exceed 25 pages written in Word .Font size should be 14 traditional Arabic for the text and 12 size for Arabic text, French and English text must be written in T.NEW ROMAIN size 12.
  • The research should not be submitted until all the conditions of publication have been reviewed and the literature and ethics of the magazine published on the magazine wall in the Algerian portal for the scientific journals. The research should be adapted according to the special template on the platform of the journal .
  • The research is sent exclusively through the Algerian portal of scientific journals, after opening a special account for the researcher at the platform , through which the stages of the research are followed until publication or rejection, and inform the magazine through the following:
  • The research shall be reviewed through the portal through two reviewers , in secret, with the name and information relating to the researcher being ignored. The journal does not control the time spent on the reviewing

4- Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed by e-mail : 8- The identity of the researcher or researchers is ignored and refereeing article is done by two reviewers

  • Manuscript must respect the methodological research ,where you must take into account the following statements :
    • The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem and the proposed approach .
    • The coordination between the various elements of the research .
    • References ,tables and graphs should be full referenced .
    • The conclusion should include results and recommendations
    • The footnote must mention in the end of the research , and not in the bottom of the page(size 12 for the Arabic and size 10 for English and French ) ,the tables and graphics must be numbered with consecutive numbers.It is preferably to mention in the end of the article and pre-references when it is when numerous. Each column in a table must have a heading. The manuscript must be arranged as follows : axis, first, second, 1,2, a, b, ..
  • The intervention text must be devoid of any syntax or typographical error which is must be passed the linguistic and grammar checker in Word .
  • Take into account that the display of the page for graphs and tables is maximum 5 cm.
  • If the research is in Arabic, then the title of the research and the abstract will be in the language of the research and English. If the research is in English, the title of the research and the abstract will be in the language of the research and also in Arabic.If the research is in French, the title of the research and the abstract will be in the three languages (French, Arabic and English). (abstract should not exceed 150 words) . Show the title within the summary.
  • All manuscripts will be reviewed by a researchers from Algerian and international universities and laboratories .
  • Upon acceptance, the author(s) agree to return the manuscript in correct format, not less than fifteen days (15).
  • Publication Ethics : Take full responsibility for the work he or she submits to and publishes with the journal when

she or he doesn’t respect the rules and ethics of scientific research.

  • Journal retains all copyright and the republishing of the article’s researcher requires written approval from the

Journal .

  • Results and recommendations expressed by researchers reflect their own opinions. The opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Journal .
  • The Journal retains the right to delete or rewrite some sentences which are compatible with its style of
  • Any work does not respect the conditions and the required specifications, the publication of the article might be delayed .
  • If the article contains more than author , we correspond the first name mention in the work in case of equality of academic degrees, and the highest degree in the case of a difference Degrees.
  • Author should include a covering page including the manuscript title and author information using the following table :

    Title of manuscript


    Family and First name










    University or country


    Telephone number


    Mobile number




    e-mail address


    Postal address


    Curriculum                            vitae summary


    Article evaluation and follow-up process:

    • The article will be receive administratively if it complies with all conditions including respect for the template of the journal , If otherwise, the article is rejected administratively.
    • When an article is accepted administratively, the identity of the researcher or researchers is ignored and refereeing article is done by two reviewers . The decision of the editorial board shall be according to the following cases:

    Decision of the first reviewer

    Decision of the second reviewer

    Editorial decision





    Accepted with miner modifications



    Accepted with major modifications

    Accepted with reservation

    Accepted with miner modifications

    Accepted with miner modifications

    Accepted with reservation

    Accepted with miner modifications

    Accepted with major modifications

    Accepted with reservation

    Accepted with miner modifications



    Accepted with major modifications

    Accepted with major modifications


    Accepted with major modifications




    Rejected with



    Rejected with

    Other Reviewer

    • In the case of an accepted article, the researcher must make the required modifications and resubmit them through the special icon. The article will be ignored again and transferred to the same arbitrators to give the final decision either to accept or reject the article.
    • If the research is finally accepted, the author shall be notified of this, and he may request a certificate of publication after the inclusion of the references through the special icon in his account.
    • If the article request modifications or corrections, the author will be notified and he has 15 days to do the required .
    • If the article is rejected, the author is
    • Acceptance of the article does not mean the publication in the following issue immediately due to the large number of articles received but it will be programmed according to the priority.
    • The scientific acceptance of the article does not mean its publication as it is, the editorial and the language review board have a role in the revision of the article from linguistic errors if they are few.

    Ethics of Publication

    1-  For researchers:

    A researcher must submit his article according to the common scientific rules andobserve the scientific integrity.His contribution to ideas and research style should not be less than 80% of the article;the rest should be devoted to third party’s rights when quoting from others’ works using full annotation and reference to sources.

    He must also comply with all the publication conditions in the journal. Sending the same article to more than one journal is against ethics of publication.

    Moreover, he must avoid in his article defamation, personification, spreading animosity and hate, sensitive topics nationally or regionally, immoral, ethnic and sectarian topics and fake information.

    In case there are several authors, only the effective ones should be mentioned as well as the effective supervisors. The journal deals only with the correspondent author.

    Sending an article containing other authors not being informed about the work shall be deemed unethical.

    All works are sent to the journal via the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform on: http: after opening an account. Therefore, it is not allowed to provide the username and password to third party.

    2-  For the journal :

    The journal is represented by the editorial board in charge of publishing the article according to its view and specialization, along with observation of priority as per date of arrival of researches, and date of return of results of arbitration by arbitrators and reviewers, balance when publishing researches between local, national and foreign articles and articles in Arabic and in both foreign languages (English and French).

    The journal does not publish any article only after arbitration and reception of the positive arbitration result in writing. Before the article is sent to the referee, it must first receive the administrative acceptance after examination of compliance with conditions, originality and plagiarism possibility by using anti-plagiarism software.

    The journal publishes the articles with integrity and without any distinction between researchers. Besides, articles are programmed according to its policy to keep the right balance between local, national and foreign articles and articles in Arabic and in both foreign languages.

    The journal also preserves confidentiality of articles before publication and of authors’ information. Only information required as part of the publication template are accessible.

    The journal should not make articles, being publishable or not, accessible to third party only after their issuance electronically or in paper.

    Furthermore, the article should not be sent to referees having interest therein or in relation with the authors. The referee may recognize them through style or research.

    All works are sent to the journal via the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform on: http : .The chief editor and the editorial board have their own accounts. Therefore, it is not allowed to provide the username and password to third party without permission from the chief editor.

    3-  For the referees :

    The referee is the most important element in the publishing process, it is a volunteer member of the journal .He has the authority to accept or reject the publication of the article and to help improve the article in the case of non-substantive shortcomings, which he is chosen on the basis of competence, integrity and ethics.

    The referee has a moral obligation to the journal , the researchers and the local and international scientific community, which obliges him to speedily in refereeing the article and return it to the editorial board within the prescribed deadlines. Also the moral duty obliges him to notice the referee board in case he is unable to referee for any reason.

    The referee must abide by the confidentiality of the referee and shall not give it just for the editorial board.

    The referee must justify his decision, especially in case the article is rejected, and in the case that the article must be modified, he should be clarified to the researcher

    The referee process is conducted through the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform on website:. by creating an account and therefore may not provide the user's password and access key to others.

    4-  For the others :

    Economics of North Africa Journal available free of charge on the Algerian platform of scientific journals web ASJP site :, It has been implementing an open access policy since 2004. Therefore, any one can upload and use it in his research, taking into account the rights of property and respect for the literature and ethics of scientific research.

    Changes or modifications can be made to the journal after it has been issued electronically.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2588-1930
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