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Thyroidectomy During Medical Outreach
Methodology: In this study, 17 consecutive thyroidectomies done during medical outreaches, in several localities in Nigeria, between June 2010 and October 2010, are reported.
Results: In this study, 16 out of 17 patients had thyroidectomy done with local anaesthesia . The airway was monitored intra-operatively by speaking with the patients and using a pulse oximeter. A life threatening complication of intra-operative laryngospasm was seen in one of these
patients and was successfully managed by passing a laryngeal mask airway and conversion to general anaesthesia. In one patient with a giant
goiter, general anaesthesia was used and the patient intubated.
Conclusion: Thyroidectomy may be safely carried out in the awake patient with local anaesthesia. However, patients must be meticulously selected and all preparations must be made for promptly securing an airway.