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Effects of Oral Supplements Regimes of Vitamins C and E on Sperm Count of Wistar Rats
Methodology: Twenty (20) male fully matured Wistar rats aged twelve (12) weeks with mean weight of 214±9.8g were employed in the study. They were randomly grouped into 4 experimental blocks A, B, C and D with 5 rats each by balloting. All twenty rats were equally exposed to ambient room temperature of 30±3 0C, twelve-hour dark/light cycle, liberal diet of
growers mash (UAC vital feed®) and water ad libitium. Block A/ vitamins C and E group had oral administration of 0.3ml of vitamin C and 0.03ml of vitamin E, Block B/Control group had oral administration of 0.33ml 0.9% saline, Block C/ vitamin C group had oral administration of 0.3ml of vitamin C while Block D/vitamin E group had oral administration of 0.03ml of vitamin E. Both the experimental and control treatments were
orally administered for twenty eight (28) days.
Results: The mean sperm count of rats administered compounded oral supplements of combined vitamins C and E regime was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the control, vitamin C or vitamin E groups at 1080±71.64, 508±31.49, 378±14.75 and 420±17.29 (x106 cells/ml) the efficacy ratio of 2.5:1.
Conclusion: It is concluded from the study that the combined vitamins C and E oral supplements exerts a boosting effect on sperm count in the Wistar rats.