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The Effects of Health Education on Sexual Behavior and Uptake of HIV Counseling and Testing Among out of School Youths in a Nigerian Border Market
Iroko border as the control group.
Methodology: One in two systematic sampling techniques was used for selecting 120 respondents in each border town market. Data was collected using a standardized validated questionnaire.
Result: Both groups had similar demographic pattern, mean age of the respondents was 19 years while mean age at sexual debut was 16 years. Condom use increased from 60% to 74%, consistency of use from 15% to 19% while multiple partners decreased from 26% to 19%. Relationship was demonstrated between sexual debut and regular attendance at religious activities, alcohol consumption, having sex and multiple sexual partners. Statistically significant increase in number of youths who had done HCT post intervention from 18%to 59% (P = 0.05) was also observed.
Conclusion: Provision of accessible youth friendly voluntary counseling and testing VCT services at the border as well as health education for out of school youths will help in improving uptake of VCT services and condom use among those that are sexually active.