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The Effects of Induced Physical and Oxidative Stress on the Cortisol Levels of Female Wistar Rat
Methodology: Forty (40) matured Wistar rats were grouped into four of 10 each (Group 1,control, Group 2,mono enucleation, Group 3, bilateral enucleation and Group 4, alcohol treated ). They were subjected to induced physical and oxidative stress over a period of six weeks. Cortisol levels were measured twice a week and averages calculated. Results of cortisol levels in the groups were analysed using SPPSS.
Results: At the end of the study, there was no change in cortisol levels in the controlled group however,the cortisol levels showed initial increase in the mono and bilateral enucleation groups( groups 2 and 3) which subsequently returned to normal in the 2nd to 6th weeks. The cortisol level in the alcohol treated group ( group- 4) continued to rise over the same period showing significant difference compared to the control(p <0.05)
Conclusion: Alcohol as an oxidative stressor in this study has caused significant changes in the levels of Cortisol compared to the two forms of physical stress.