Instruction to Authors

The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (JMLS) is a quarterly publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. It publishes original research and review articles in all fields of biomedical sciences and laboratory medicine covering Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Blood Group Serology, Cytogenetics, Exfoliation Cytology, Medical Virology, Medical Mycology, Histopathology and Immunochemistry. Special interest, New Biologicals, Laboratory Diagnostic reagents and Fabricated Laboratory hardware are also covered. Advances that have reached an acceptable degree of completion in Biochemical and Pathophysiological Mechanisms may also be considered for publication in the JMLS.

Manuscript Format and Preparation

Manuscript should be typed one side of A4 paper in double spacing and submitted on-line to the e-mail address below. The order of appearance of materials in articles should be: Title Page, Abstract (about150 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References in separate sheets or pages. The abstract, which should not contain cited reference should concisely indicate the purpose, and method of research, the results and the conclusion. It is followed by 3-5 key words usually taken from the Medical subject Headings of Index Medicus. Cited references in the text should be indicated with Arabic numerals and consecutively in the order of citation within the text, e.g

Ojo et al. (1) reported that_______________

According to Opara et al. (2), oviposition frequently occur_______________. The current findings are in agreement with those of earlier authors (3,5,6).

References should be listed in numerical order in which they appear in the text and should include author's name(s), year of publication, full title of the article, name of journal (abbreviated), Volume, first and last page numbers. For example:

1. Nmosi, P., Obiamiwe, B. A. (1992). Onchocerciasis in rain forest villages in Edo State, Nigeria. J. Med. Lab Sci 2:7-11

2. Agbonlahor, D. E., Odugbemi, T. O. and Udofia, P. O. (1993). Differentiation of gram positive and gram negative bacteria and yeast using a modification of the ''string'' test. Am. Soc. Med. Techn. 94:177-178

3. Kloss, W. E. and Smith, P. B. (1980). Staphylococci in: Lennette, E. H., Balows, S., Hausler, W. H. and Truant, J. P. (Eds): Manual of Clinical Bacteriology, 3rd ed. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Washington DC. Pp.n 83-87

Tables and Figures should be on separate sheets: Figures should be professionally drawn and numbered lightly at the back. Figures legends must be typed on separate sheets. Data should be submitted either in tabular  or in graphic form. Manuscripts should be sent online to:

Prof Mba O. Okoronkwo, OON (Editor-in-Chief)

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way,

Victoria Island



E- mail-

Editorial Policy Statements

All statements and opinions contained in the manuscripts published in this journal belong to the authors and do not necessarily express the opinion of the Editor or the Publisher. The Editor and Publisher therefore disclaim responsibility or liability for opinions or statements expressed herein by authors.

Authorship Responsibility

All authors contributing to the publication of the original manuscript are jointly held for the entirely publication. It is the responsibility of the Corresponding author to secure the consent of all co-authors of the manuscript.

Ethical Consideration

The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science expects a high standard of and conformity to ethical practice from each author. Informed consent and formal approval of the institution where the research was performed must be obtained for studies involving human subjects. Statements of such consent and approval must be indicated in the manuscript submitted for publication. In addition, a statement of conformity to the International Code of Humane Treatment in the use of animal models must be expressed in the report of studies involving the use of animals.

For futhrer information please contact Prof. Francis Useh on

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1116-1043