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Assessment of farmers’ perceived impact of climate change on crop production and resilience toward food security in Benue State, Nigeria

Elisha Ikpe
Patrick I. Ukoh
Jude G. Ikpe


This study assessed farmers’ perceived impact of climate change on crop production and resilience toward food security in Benue State, Nigeria. The study assessed the farmers’ awareness and perception of climate change; evaluate the farmers’  perceived impacts of climate change; and identify the farmers’ resilience strategies toward food security. Rainfall and temperature data (1980 – 2020) were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet).The data were used to characterise the climate of the study area. A total of 382 farmers were purposively selected. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). The data were analysed using trendline equations, Likert-type rating scale and Relative Importance Index technique (RII). The results of the trendline equation showed increase in total annual rainfall and temperature. Further findings showed that 95% of the farmers are aware of climate change issues, 4% were not aware while 1% were undecided; 48% got information about climate change from personal observations, 27% by interacting with friends and 7% from the electronic media. The farmers’ perceived effects of climate change on the yield of crops include shortage of food (4.3 ̅); increase in crop infestation by pests and diseases (3.6 ̅), and increase in poverty rate, migration of farmers and conflicts with cattle herdsmen (3.9 ̅). The result of the RII showed that mixed cropping, use of early maturing crop varieties and use of crop varieties that are well acclimatized are the most effective resilient strategies.The study concluded that climate change is evident in the study area as shown in the late onset, early cessation of rainfall, increasing trends in rainfall and temperature. Climate change has negatively impacted on crop production. Findings showed that 95% of the farmers are aware of climate change issues; personal observation was the major source of information on climate change; mixed cropping and use of improved seed varieties were the main resilient strategies among others the farmers are using in the study area. Since improved seed varieties was a major resilience strategy, the Cereal Research Institutes should develop more drought resistant seeds and early maturing varieties in the study area. 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2006-7003