Journal for Language Teaching 2025-03-05T11:18:57+00:00 Dr Kabelo Sebolai Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>Journal for Language Teaching</em> = <em>Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi</em> =&nbsp;<em>Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig</em></strong></p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>South African Journal for Language Teaching</em>&nbsp;focuses on the publication of research in the domains of language teaching and applied linguistics with a particular focus on course and syllabus design, language testing in educational settings, and literacy and language proficiency development.</p> <p>The Journal is not restricted to English – articles in all official South African languages may be included. Although the focus is on language teaching and applied linguistics n South Africa, the Journal engages with international research and researchers. The Journal places a high value on both its international standing and on scientific research in applied linguistics. Colleagues and postgraduate students from South Africa and the African continent, as well as from the wider international scholarly community, are invited to contribute to any of the following research foci:</p> <p><strong>Empirical studies</strong>. The Journal gives preference to the publication of research with an empirical base (quantitative and/or qualitative studies, mixed methods research, case studies, action research, etc.). Descriptions of language classroom interventions or courses with no empirical component are not typically considered for publication in the journal.</p> <p><strong>Longitudinal studies</strong>&nbsp;and large scale studies on contemporary language dilemmas will receive special consideration.</p> <p><strong>Original research articles.&nbsp;</strong>The majority of articles are original research articles, but&nbsp;<strong>replication studies</strong>&nbsp;to validate previous findings are welcomed too.</p> <p><strong>Conceptual articles</strong>&nbsp;and meta-analyses are published from time to time.</p> <p><strong>State of the art reviews</strong>. The editor may invite specific authors on occasion to write “state of the art reviews” on relevant topics.</p> <p><strong>Special issues</strong>. The journal may include theme-based research. The Journal will consider featuring invited debates in special issues, for example with invited international contributors in dialogue with local scholars.</p> <p>A&nbsp;<strong>Festschrift</strong>&nbsp;of a specific colleague’s work is published occasionally.</p> <p><strong>Book reviews</strong>&nbsp;are welcomed, and the editorial board reserves the right either to request or to refuse to review such submissions.</p> <p>Other websites associated with this journal: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Evaluating the Language-in-Education Policy of 1997: Advancing inclusivity and multilingual education 2025-03-05T10:04:45+00:00 Lebohang Victoria Mulaudzi <p>This paper is a critical analysis of the Norms and Standards for Language Policy in Public Schools in terms of the South African Schools Act&nbsp; 84 of 1996. The evaluation focuses on its objectives, implementation, and impact on promoting inclusivity and linguistic diversity in education. The study was prompted by the persisting disparities in access to quality education based on linguistic backgrounds in post- apartheid South Africa. Using a conceptual framework based on theories of inclusive education, translanguaging pedagogy, and policy implementation, this study explores the policy's objectives, scope, and how it addresses equity and access for diverse language groups. Additionally, it assesses implementation strategies and evaluates the policy's strengths and weaknesses in promoting inclusive education&nbsp; and multilingualism. The article recommends establishing specific, measurable objectives and targets, formulating an action&nbsp; plan for consistent implementation, prioritising teacher training and support programs, and encouraging community involvement. By&nbsp; addressing these shortcomings, South Africa can advance inclusivity and multilingualism in its public schools, fostering an equitable and&nbsp; enriching learning environment for all learners.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Teachers’ proof or teacher proof? The influence of performativity on teachers’ practice in South African classrooms 2025-03-05T10:26:52+00:00 Bernice Badal <p>Using the meta-theoretical tenets of social constructivism and the conceptual framework of Stephen Ball (2003), this qualitative study&nbsp; investigated teachers’ perceptions and practices in highly regulated reform policy contexts. Data capture involved semi-structured&nbsp; interviews and observations conducted over the period of a school year. Findings revealed that accountability and performativity&nbsp; measures that are aligned with the current reform have increased the complexity of teachers’ practices, intensified labour and&nbsp; heightened their need for compliance. The data revealed a dissonance between the perceptions of policy bureaucrats and teachers in relation to the efficacy of statistical goals within the paradigm of performativity. However, the main factor that motivated teachers’&nbsp; compliance and conformity hinged on the creation of a favourable impression and an appeasement of external agents. The central&nbsp; position of this article, however, holds that suppressing teachers’ professional judgement leads to the neglect of crucial learning goals&nbsp; such as learner motivation and critical thinking which are crucial aims of schooling. English teachers are best placed to support this type&nbsp; of learning, but it is doubtful whether silenced teachers can raise critical learners.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Izingqinamba ezibhekana nothisha abafundisa isiZulu ULimi LokuQala LokwEngeza kwezinye zezikole ezazaziwa njengezabamhlophe eMnambithi 2025-03-05T10:32:45+00:00 Melusi Ernest Msomi <p><em><strong>Exploring challenges faced by teachers of isiZulu as First Additional </strong></em><em><strong>Language in some ex-Model C schools in Ladysmith</strong></em></p> <p>This study examines the challenges faced by teachers who teach isiZulu as a first additional language (FAL) in schools formerly known as Model C schools. These teachers face many challenges because this language is not taken seriously. The Department of Basic Education has made it compulsory for all schools in&nbsp; KwaZuluNatal to offer isiZulu either as Home Language or as FAL. The ex-model C schools were forced to put measures in place to accommodate these changes&nbsp; implemented by the Department of Basic Education in the province of KwaZulu- Natal. It is evident that when these schools introduced isiZulu as FAL this language&nbsp; was not taken seriously and that has led some teachers to leave these schools. That&nbsp; in turn means going an extra mile when trying to instil an interest in the language&nbsp; among learners. As a result, the performance of learners in such schools is not&nbsp; good, and teachers do not stay for a long period. This paper serves to increase the&nbsp; awareness among teachers at these schools of the challenges they face. It will also&nbsp; suggest possible solutions to the challenges. A qualitative methodology has been&nbsp; followed as research approach. Interviews and observations have been used to&nbsp; collect data. Constructivism is used as the theoretical framework of this paper. This theory supports the view that there are many ways of teaching a language. In some schools it is thought that teaching a language is about going into class and teaching, without considering other factors affecting language teaching, like the insights we&nbsp; may gain from second language acquisition research. Additionally, this paper&nbsp; employed a language management approach to analyse the data on both macro&nbsp; and micro levels.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Perceptions and attitudes of rural Intermediate Phase learners of English as First Additional Language for communicative competence in Limpopo 2025-03-05T10:44:39+00:00 Margaret Malewaneng Maja <p>This study explored the perceptions and attitudes of rural Intermediate Phase learners of English First Additional Language (EFAL) for&nbsp; communicative competence in Limpopo. The study was grounded in self-determination theory (SDT) using a qualitative approach. Six focus group interviews were used to gather information from thirty learners who were purposely selected from three primary schools.&nbsp; Each group had five learners from grades 5 to 6. Data was analysed using a thematic approach. The study found that most learners&nbsp; viewed English as useful and popular to other languages because it gives them the freedom to express themselves, connects them with&nbsp; people who do not speak their language and affords them the opportunity to become successful professionals. However, some learners perceived English as a threat to their Sepedi language. This study suggests that teachers should motivate and support learners in&nbsp; engaging in peer mutual learning, by creating social interactive activities that offer learners opportunities to learn the English language&nbsp;&nbsp; together .</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Institutional responses to academic literacy challenges: An in-house test as an alternative for assessing academic literacy levels 2025-03-05T10:49:45+00:00 Laura Drennan Michelle Joubert Albert Weideman <p>The COVID-19 pandemic brought about disruptions to the administration of conventional academic literacy tests, which necessitated&nbsp; alternative ways of identifying students in need of literacy support. In response to this disruption, an existing inhouse test was identified&nbsp; as a potential alternative for measuring incoming students’ ability to handle the demands of academic discourse. Such an alternative was necessary for the effective identification of students needing additional academic literacy support and their placement in appropriate&nbsp; faculty-specific literacy courses. Although the first round of institutional piloting deemed the online version of the test appropriate for&nbsp; being employed for these purposes, a further administration of the test was conducted to confirm whether the traditional (pencil-and- paper) version of the test yielded similar results and whether the quality of the test is such that it is appropriate for implementation at an institutional level. This paper compares the results of these two administrations of the test and reflects on the potential value of such an&nbsp; in-house test to achieve and enhance the synchrony between assessment, curriculum and teaching, building on earlier work on this.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 A Pugh Matrix framework for selecting effective CALL software in South African schools 2025-03-05T10:56:50+00:00 Gary Collins Shoadi Ezekiel Ditaunyane <p>In recent years, digital technology integration in education, including language learning, has become widespread. South African schools&nbsp; are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) applications. Digital tools in educational&nbsp; materials offer advantages such as time efficiency, enhanced accessibility, flexible learning methods, and inclusivity for disabled individuals. However, there's a lack of appropriate guidelines for assessing and selecting CALL software due to the unique complexities it&nbsp; presents. To address this gap, the study developed a systematic framework, utilising a Pugh Matrix, tailored for South African educational&nbsp; contexts and beyond. This matrix was informed by guiding principles derived from iterative developmental research. A Likert&nbsp; scale survey validated these principles, influencing the weighting of assessment criteria. These criteria encompass curriculum alignment, feedback mechanisms, sociocultural relevance, affordability, technical considerations, and pedagogical approaches. The&nbsp; developed Pugh Matrix serves as a comprehensive and objective tool for CALL software selection and evaluation. It empowers schools to&nbsp; make informed decisions aligned with their educational goals, instructional methods, technical needs, and budgetary constraints.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Collaboration and themes in the Journal for Language Teaching (2001–2023): A network analysis 2025-03-05T11:03:28+00:00 Burgert Senekal Theodorus du Plessis <p>This study provides a quantitative overview of the Journal for Language Teaching from 2001 to 2023. More specifically, the current study&nbsp; applies network science to study both the co-authorship network and to identify topics. In addition, the journal's focus on multilingualism&nbsp; is investigated. The results indicate a notable growth in collaborative research in the journal, shown by the increasing&nbsp; average number of authors per paper. The analysis of the co-authorship network reveals a moderately connected network, with a&nbsp; significant group of authors forming the giant component. Important authors are also recognised based on centrality measures,&nbsp; highlighting their crucial roles in fostering connections within the network. Collaboration primarily happens within universities, but when&nbsp; it extends across institutions, inland universities tend to collaborate more frequently than those on the coast or between coastal and&nbsp; inland universities. Furthermore, the analysis of research topics identified eight distinct themes prevalent in the Journal for Language&nbsp; Teaching, encompassing various areas in language education. It is also shown that both in the language of papers and in their language&nbsp; focus, the journal foregrounds English throughout this period, and papers tend to be more often in English and focus on English in recent&nbsp; years.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Editor’s note 2025-03-05T10:00:14+00:00 Dr Kabelo Sebolai Avasha Rambiritch <p>No Abstract</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025