MP Koen
Universitas, Bloemfontein
C.J. Kotzé
Departement Psigo-Opvoedkunde, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
G.S. Kotzé
Departement Kurrikulumstudie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
K.G.F. Esterhuyse
Departement Sielkunde, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
All people have the right to express themselves in their mother tongue. In this investigation, following a previous investigation on the value of a reading and spelling program for the Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learner the value of a program for the stimulation of perceptual skills is studied. Through methods, techiniques and subject matter this program provides learners exposure to and development of perceptual skills. This investigation emphasises the importance of developing natural inborn qualities of learners by means of the stimulation of perceptual skills during an initial reading and spelling program for school beginners.
Key Words: Perceptual skills, stimulation of perceptual skills, initial reading and spelling program, school beginners.
Journal for Language Teaching Vol.38(2) 2004: 262-285