C.J. Kotzé
Departement Psigo-Opvoedkunde, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
G.S. Kotzé
Departement Kurrikulumstudie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
K.G.F. Esterhuyse
Departement Sielkunde, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
The value of mother tongue instruction especially in the formative years of children is universally acknowledged. Research has shown that reading and spelling disadvantages are present in Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learners. In this article, the first of three successive articles on language abilities of Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learners, the value of a reading and spelling program for such learners is investigated. The research hypotheses postulates that the reading and spelling skills of Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learners that are exposed to a reading and spelling program are better than those learners who are not exposed to the program. By means of various statistical procedures the research indicates that the program succeeded in improving the vocabulary and spelling abilities of Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learners.
Key Words: Sesotho-speaking grade 1 learners, language abilities, reading and spelling program
Journal for Language Teaching Vol.38(2) 2004: 244-260