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Linguistic Aspects of Intercultural Communication
1. Collocational or lexical-phraseological constraints of speech production. This means that any word in any language has its own, characteristic only of the language in question, set or reserve of words with which it is compatible
2. Difference in semantic and stylistic connotations.
Words of different languages with the same meaning (that is referring to the same object or phenomenon of reality) may have different connotations determining their use in speech.
For example, the English word crimson and the Russian word bagrovy as colour terms refer to the same part of spectre but the Russian word has strong negative connotations unlike its English “equivalent”.
3. The socio-cultural factor is a great problem of communication because it is invisible and often forgotten. Every nation has its own cultural vision (picture) of the world underlying its language picture which may lead to conflicts of communication.
Keywords: Linguistic Aspects of Intercultural Communication.
[Jnl for Language Teaching Vol.37(2) 2003: 300-306]