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Izingqinamba ezibhekana nothisha abafundisa isiZulu ULimi LokuQala LokwEngeza kwezinye zezikole ezazaziwa njengezabamhlophe eMnambithi

Melusi Ernest Msomi


Exploring challenges faced by teachers of isiZulu as First Additional Language in some ex-Model C schools in Ladysmith

This study examines the challenges faced by teachers who teach isiZulu as a first additional language (FAL) in schools formerly known as Model C schools. These teachers face many challenges because this language is not taken seriously. The Department of Basic Education has made it compulsory for all schools in  KwaZuluNatal to offer isiZulu either as Home Language or as FAL. The ex-model C schools were forced to put measures in place to accommodate these changes  implemented by the Department of Basic Education in the province of KwaZulu- Natal. It is evident that when these schools introduced isiZulu as FAL this language  was not taken seriously and that has led some teachers to leave these schools. That  in turn means going an extra mile when trying to instil an interest in the language  among learners. As a result, the performance of learners in such schools is not  good, and teachers do not stay for a long period. This paper serves to increase the  awareness among teachers at these schools of the challenges they face. It will also  suggest possible solutions to the challenges. A qualitative methodology has been  followed as research approach. Interviews and observations have been used to  collect data. Constructivism is used as the theoretical framework of this paper. This theory supports the view that there are many ways of teaching a language. In some schools it is thought that teaching a language is about going into class and teaching, without considering other factors affecting language teaching, like the insights we  may gain from second language acquisition research. Additionally, this paper  employed a language management approach to analyse the data on both macro  and micro levels. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-9320
print ISSN: 0259-9570