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Developing Pleasure Reading among Secondary Students: Critical Analysis of Approaches and Challenges

Eric Okwako


Pleasure reading is defined as the reading that is freely chosen by readers and that they enjoy the reading (Rumbold, 2006). According to  Rumbold pleasure reading has many benefits one of which is language acquisition. The world over, teachers of languages, whether first  or second, are faced with the task of ensuring that students have good mastery of the language they are learning. Research in language  learning has shown that pleasure reading contributes immensely in mastering a language (Garside, 1991; Barasa, 2005; Rumbold, 2006). Therefore, language teachers should use pleasure reading as one of the approaches that should be used in the teaching and learning  process. It is, therefore, important that critical analysis of development of pleasure reading is done. This article gives suggestions on  development of pleasure reading. 

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eISSN: 2957-8477