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An assessment of linguistic strategies used in healthcare content marketing on facebook

Revocatus Millambo


Marketing is defined Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates, and satisfies customers’ requirements profitably. Language enables Marketers to deliver valuable messages about their products and services to consumers. This paper aims to analyse the linguistic and persuasive strategies used in content marketing of health care products on Facebook. The study employed a descriptive design to highlight the linguistic features used in Facebook’s Content Marketing to influence consumers. The study used a document analysis method in selecting healthcare content from Facebook, which consisted of excerpts of written content purposively selected from healthcare Facebook pages. The sample included 11 Facebook pages from which four excerpts were drawn to make 44 content items. Simple random sampling was then performed to select 23 content items. The analysis involved a qualitative categorisation of the various themes of language used by Facebook users. The study established that features such as pronouns, repetitions, translations, colloquial language, and parallelism were found to play a significant role in enhancing CM efficacy by making the content captivating, memorable, readable, and persuasive. The study recommends that for marketers to create a strong presence in Facebook content marketing, they should use linguistic features that can make them stand out among the thousands of messages that the consumers are exposed to daily. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-1028