In the beginning of the 21st century, the democratization of access to information, an outcome of the right to information, has become a challenge that needs to be seriously taken up in Africa. Actually, how to make information available to rural communities which represent 70% of the population of this continent is a major concern, especially when we know that this rural population with 80% illiterate people, is one of the vital actors of growth, and therefore a key agent of economic and social development. In 1983, Mali a Sahelian country in west Africa tried out a system of information dissemination entitled rural ‘audiothec' that helped supply an illiterate population with information. This experience which was able to combine the traditional and the modern methods of information collection, processing, storage and dissemination yielded interesting results.
(Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa: 2001 1(2): 22-34)