The Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa (JLISA)/Revue de Bibliotheconomie et Science de l'information en Afrique is expected to explore the range of issues and problems of concern to librarians, information scientists and other information professionals especially in Africa. The Reviewing Process Each paper is reviewed by the editor-in-chief or any member of the editorial board, and if judged suitable for publication is then sent to two referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, the editor then decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected. However, conference reports are not subject to a formal review procedure. Instructions to Authors Preparation of Manuscripts: Submit three copies of manuscript to the editor-in-chief or any member of the editorial board, typewritten or word processed (double spaced) on one side only, and numbered consecutively, including references at the end and an abstract (not exceeding 150 words) at the beginning. Up to six key words should be included which encapsulate the principal subject covered by the article. Reference, extracts, numbered lists etc are all part of the manuscript and should be double spaced. One of the three copies should be an original. Submit manuscript and any correspondence to either the editor-in-chief or any member of the editorial board nearest to you. Affiliation of Authors should be given on the title page under author's name. If an author changes affiliation during the time when the work is being published, this information should be given in a footnote. Biographical Note should be provided on a separate page and should not exceed 100 words including the author's e-mail address. Footnotes should be used only if essential to the text; if used, they should be marked with consecutive Arabic numerals. Footnotes should be typed, doubled spaced, as a separate list and appended to the manuscript. Headings and subheadings should be included to make the paper more readable. These should however, be short, clearly defined and not numbered. Illustrations are to be submitted, preferably in black and white, in a form suitable for reduction by the printer without retouching or redrawing. Original inked drawings make the reproductions. Originals must be legible after reduction to a maximum size of 5½ wide by 8½ high. On the reverse side of every figure, write the author's name. If photographs are included, prints on glossy paper should be submitted. Numbering and Preparation of Figures and Tables: Each figure and table should be numbered in sequence, using Arabic numerals, in order of their mention, indicate in the pages approximately where each figure and table should be placed. Exclusivity: Papers must be neither previously published nor submitted elsewhere simultaneously. Copyright: Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright owner (usually, this is the publishers) to use any quotation, illustration or table from another source) References: All references should be listed alphabetically at the end of every paper. In the text, references should be cited by author's last name, year of publication and page in parentheses. For books: Surname, initials (year), title, publishers, place of publication, e.g. Amadi, A. (1981) African Libraries: Western Tradition and Colonial Brainwashing. Metuchen, N. J: Scarecrow Press. For Journal: Surname, initials (year), title, journal volume, number, pages e.g. Raseroka, K. (1997). Challenges of an Interactive Environment in the context of Developing Countries in Sub-saharan Africa. The International Information and Library Review 29(3): 287 – 499. Final Submission of the Article Once accepted for publication, the final version of the manuscript must be provided accompanied by a 3.5 disk of the same version labeled with: disk format author's name(s); title of article; journal title; and file name. Each article must be accompanied by a signed Journal Article Record Form available form the Editor-in-Chief or any member of the editorial board nearest to you. Offprints: Upon publication, the author or first author will receive one complimentary copy of the issue and 15 free offprints. The only opportunity contributors have to order additional offprints is when page proofs are returned.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-8922
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