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Apsa Traditional and Promotion of Cultural Identities in Burkina Faso

Bourei¯ma Coulibaly
Arnaud Sow


Traditional Physical, Sports and Artistic Activities (APSA) are bodily practices present in all communities across cultures in Burkina Faso.  Given that each culture has its own habits, its own way of educating the body and mind, the cultural diversity of Burkina Faso linked to  the multiplicity of ethnic groups is in itself a richness. To collect these data, we used the questionnaire method and the interview. IBM  SPSS Statistics version 25 software, Excel software to process the data obtained from the questionnaire, content analysis were used for  documents, interview and focus group. The results obtained show a convergence of points of view according to which traditional APSAs  fulfil specific and multiple functions ranging from education to the safeguarding of identity, including training, culture, social, political,  economic, patriotism and entertainment. 80.6% of those under 25 surveyed and 95.9% 25 and over also agree that APSAs allow the promotion of their identities. The majority of respondents would like to see public action and political guidance involving stakeholders.  Traditional APSAs play very important roles in promoting cultural identities, as they are rooted in these cultures. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-7999
print ISSN: 2789-9527