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Challenges against the Achievement of Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in African States

Dennis Otwori
Nicodemus Nyandiko


Disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies play a pivotal role in formalizing and enhancing the efficacy of disaster risk reduction efforts. The  overall objective of this study was to assess the progress the African Union member states are making in developing DRR strategies as  required by Target E of the Sendai Framework. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches where an in-depth desk  review of DRR strategies and online questionnaires were administered to 53 respondents. The findings shows about 68 % of the AU  member states have national strategies and 35% have sub national strategies but generally there is sluggish progress in updating DRR  strategies in accordance with Sendai Framework Target E. An array of formidable challenges has come to light, casting a shadow over the  seamless execution of these strategies. Weak technical and institutional capacities, paucity of financial resources, limited decentralization  of DRR initiatives, and governance deficiencies emerge as pivotal obstacles that warrant immediate attention. In light of these findings, it  is imperative for African governments and their collaborative partners to expedite the development of risk-informed strategies. By doing  so, they can successfully actualize the visionary objectives set forth within the Sendai Framework. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-7999
print ISSN: 2789-9527