Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO is  the official journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM). JKNCU is a bi-annual publication published in January and July each year. Manuscript submissions focusing on a range of issues in the thematic areas of Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information across Kenya, Africa and other parts of the world are welcome. The Journal publishes original unpublished works, short communications, rapid communications, notes and records, literature and book reviews, and policy pieces

The journal focuses on articles in the UNESCO thematic areas of competence which includes education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication, and information. For each of the above thematic areas, the focus will be in the following sub-themes:


  • Higher Education and TVET (‘Leaving no one behind in education’ in view of COVID 19 pandemic, Integrating ICT in Early Childhood Education (ECDE), Promoting life- long learning through Education in prisons towards achievement of Education Agenda 2030)
  • Basic Education and Learning (Reshaping concepts and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity in view of ‘’classes without walls, leveraging on opportunities and tackling challenges arising from digitalization trends to achieve Agenda 2030 and beyond; The case of TVET Education in Kenya)
  • Cross Cutting Education Issues (Education in the face of a pandemic, Global Education Priorities, Global Citizenship Education, and education for sustainable Development: Good practices in basic education)

Natural Sciences:

  • Ecological, Hydrological & Earth Sciences (environment, conservation and management of natural resources, freshwater (surface and groundwater) and ocean science, climate change, geology, disaster and risk reduction, geo-hazards, geoparks/man and biosphere reserves and sustainable development)
  • Basic Sciences & Engineering (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and mentorship in STEM, Science, Technology and Innovation policy and programmes, artificial intelligence)

Social and Human Sciences

  • Social Transformation and Development  (Social transformation, social development, anticipation,foresight, social inclusion,gender,youth, human,rights,philosophy, migration, democracy).
  • Ethics of Science and Sports  (Ethics, bioethics, anti-doping, physical education, sports)


  • Cultural Heritage (conservation and protection of heritage including language, cultural heritage policy, underwater cultural heritage, safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, intangible heritage in museums, technology for heritage conservation and protection, financing heritage conservation, disaster risk management for heritage, heritage conservation and gender, heritage and marginalized groups, heritage in young hands)
  • Cultural Expressions and Creative Arts (fostering culture and creative industries, promotion of arts in the digital era, arts education, protecting copyrights and intellectual properties for culture and creative industries, national culture statistics and indicators)

Communication and Information

  • Media development (media literacy, media and gender, media and advertising, media and law, journalism studies)
  • Information and Knowledge (communication technology for development)

Interested authors are advised to submit their manuscripts in electronic forma in MS Word (Times Roman, Size 12, double spaced) by email to  The articles should meet the following requirements:

  1. Title page with a short running title, full names of author, the author's institutional affiliations and email contacts for the corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk
  2. Abstract (150-200 words) and keyword
  3. Main text should not exceed 6000 word
  4. Brief acknowledgments where financial and material support should also be mentioned and can contain grant and contribution number
  5. References - The complete reference list should appear alphabetically by name at the end of the paper. Reference journal articles, article by DOI, book, book chapter and online documents accordingly.
  6. Tables (each table complete with caption, numbered, placed in the text and footnotes)
  7. Figure in superior quality electronic format well captioned, numbered and well placed
  8. Appendices (if relevant) - Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files and will be published after the references.
  9. Permissions - If author includes figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format.
  10. Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations.

JKNCU is a refereed journal, and all articles are subjected to a rigorous review process by a panel of review experts before publication.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-7999
print ISSN: 2789-9527