Main Article Content
Co-ordination and integration of social security in the SADC region: developing the social dimension of economic co-operation and integration
Die artikel fokus op die behoefte aan die daarstelling van 'n duidelike paradigma ten aansien van sosiale sekerheid in die SAOG streek ten einde die verligting van armoede op 'n streeksbasis aan te spreek asook die uitdaging om sosiale sekerheid stelsels op die sub-kontinent te koรถrdineer. Die vertrekpunt van die artikel is dat ekonomiese samewerking en integrasie nie 'n geรฏsoleerde doelwit kan wees nie, maar gepaard moet gaan met sosiale ontwikkeling. Die bydrae beklemtoon die omvang van die onvoldoende sosiale beskermingsmaatreรซls in die SAOG streek en die mislukking van plaaslike sosiale sekerheidsmaatreรซls om verligting van armoede sinvol aan te spreek en om sosiale insluiting en deelname van 'n groot aantal en duidelike kategorieรซ van mense wat huidiglik uitgesluit word. Die artikel ondersoek ook die verskillende moontlikhede beskikbaar vir die koรถrdinering van sosiale sekerheidsmaatreรซls in die SAOG, met in agneming van die ondervinding elders in die wรชreld.
This article focuses on the need for developing a distinct social security paradigm in the SADC region in order to address poverty alleviation at a regional level and to address the challenge posed by the task of coordinating social security systems in the sub-continent. The paper departs from the premise that economic co-operation and integration is not an alone-standing aim, but has to be accompanied by development in the social sense. The contribution highlights the sheer extent of the inadequate social protection provisioning in the SADC region and the apparent failure of domestic social security measures to address poverty alleviation meaningfully and to bring about the social inclusion and participation of large numbers and significant categories of people who have effectively been left out. The article also examines different possibilities for the co-ordination of social security measures in SADC, bearing in mind experiences elsewhere in the world.
Journal for Juridicial Science Vol.28(3) 2004: 10-39