Significant number of deliveries in the developing world takes place at home mostly conducted by traditional birth attendants (TBA). TBAs are popular in developing and low resource countries, lack formal education or medical training and some of their clients end up with obstetric complications which lead to morbidity and mortality. Evidence from numerous studies has shown reduced maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality when women have a qualified health care provider who has midwifery skills present at birth. Bonny is a town in southern Nigeria with a secondary level hospital, primary health and several private hospitals, which provide obstetric services. This is a cross observational study in Bonny, Nigeria. An interviewer-structured questionnaire was administered by random sampling in 2011 to women who had deliveries for the past 15 years. 74 women were interviewed age range 22-47 years, mean age 37.21 years had 324 deliveries. 57(17.59%) delivered in a health facility and 267(82.41%) had home delivery. Of those who had home delivery, 63(23.60%) received antenatal care. One woman with home delivery living three minutes' walk away from the general hospital developed post-partum haemorrhage. The study population prefer home delivery conducted by traditional birth attendants as some still receive antenatal care in health facility.