This was a review of the contraceptive trend in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) North Central Nigeria over an 18-year period, 1985-2002. There were a total of 17,846 clients who used the various methods of contraception. Modern methods of contraception have been accepted in our facility including the permanent forms. These methods were Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), Male condom, female sterilization, vasectomy, Norplant, the Intrauterine device (IUD) and Injectables. The intrauterine device was used the most by clients (4651) while the least number of clients (894) used the Norplant. Female sterilization, however, contributed the biggest quota, 26%, to the contraceptive method mix while male condom and Norplant each had the smallest contribution at 6%. Nine men only had vasectomy over the 18-year period.