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Career Choices for Adult Students Showcasing the Institute of Adult Education, Morogoro Centre, Tanzania

Rose Mgaya


This article sets out to explore the various factors that influences career choices among adult students at the Institute of Adult Education, with reference to Morogoro Centre in the United Republic of Tanzania. In its endeavour to unveil the problem under consideration, the research article employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection was conducted using surveys and interviews, involving a total of 45 Diploma students and 2 career counsellors. Social learning theory guided the initial research. The collected data were analysed using comprehensive analysis techniques. Its findings reveal that while personal interests and family influence play significant roles in career choices, economic factors and the perceived stability of certain professions are also crucial in shaping decisions. It further highlights the need for better career guidance programs and a more tailored educational opportunities to ensure that students make informed and realistic career choices. It contributes to the understanding of career decision-making processes in adult education contexts; and offers practical recommendations for policy makers, educators, and career counsellors to support students in their career choices.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2618-1517