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Communication Strategies & Radio Talk Shows Presentations and Experiences among University Students in Eldoret City, Kenya

Philip Kiprotich Chebunet
Lydia Anyonje, PhD
Egara Kabaji, PhD


The majority of the consumers of radio stations’ programming are the youth, most of whom are students in high schools, colleges, and universities. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents agreed that radio talk show presenters have effectively analysed their respective audiences so as to communicate effectively. In view of this, the research article seeks to determine the communication strategies that are employed in presenting radio talk shows, as observed, through listening, by university students in the city of Eldoret. Uses and Gratifications theory guided this study. The study utilized a mixed method research approach that made use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. The target population of the study were students from university campuses within Eldoret, and the sample size was 300. The researcher adopted a stratified sampling and simple random sampling technique to arrive at the sample that would best fit or present the intended purpose of the research. Data was collected using a questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion. The collected data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques that included frequencies, percentages. The study established that effective communication strategies by presenters are crucial in engaging university students. Radio talk show presenters should analyse their audience effectively and employ communication strategies that foster engagement, such as active listening and utilizing multiple modes of communication.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2618-1517